Lush leatherette and premium hardware polish this sophisticated Handbag from the brand -'Lino Perros'. A design worth carrying. Beautiful silhouette and multiple pockets makes this bag a must buy. Contemporary design of the collection with durable material adds to its longevity. The brand is known for its class quality designs and the timeless women handbags from the collection renders a look worthy of a true lady.
Country Of Origin - India
Mfg & Mktd By-Sumitsu Apparel Pvt Ltd,Plot No. 324,Udyog Vihar ,Sector 19,Gurugram ,Haryana 122016
The croco-embossed design adds minimalist design to the bag, making it more attractive and favorable to women who like sophistication.
The generous main compartment provides ample space for essentials, whether heading to the office or a weekend getaway.
Light weight and stylish too
Stuff is good and light weight too.. superb shopping
Voyage Dual Textured Satchel Bag
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